
machi / Doremi Song
1st aired
2017.02.06 ("Takeuchi Ryo's Personal Holiday" on YouTube)
Following the initial featuring of "machi" on SasaNishiKa's 2012 album, the band gathered again in 2016 for a recording session that resulted in two tracks. One of these tracks, "Country Color", saw its release in China, while the other, titled "Doremi Song", never received an official release. This particular composition was crafted in response to a request from Ryo Takeuchi, a close and longstanding friend of machi, who was residing in China and preparing to release a series of web documentaries. Takeuchi granted machi the creative freedom to compose any style of song she desired. "Doremi Song," as its name suggests, revolves around vocalizations rather than traditional lyrics, utilizing the eight fundamental musical notes (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do). This track serves as background music in numerous episodes of Takeuchi Ryo's "Personal Holiday," which are available on YouTube.
Doremi Song

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